Live Like You Believe

Monday, October 17, 2011
Never Take What You Have For Granite
Timpanogos Girls Soccer is coming to an end! This season has been amazing. I feel so blessed to be able to play soccer almost each and every day. Though it's hard work, there is nothing that will ever stop me from playing the sport I love. My coach always says "Never take this game for granite. Because you never know what's going to happen. This could be the last time you ever step on this field. Play like it's your last game. No regrets." That's what our season has been all about. Playing with passion and heart. Playing for the love of the game. And it's carried us a long way. Not only has that but also being a family. There is no greater blessing then having a family. And not do I only have one, but I have TWO. I have 20 sisters who i'm constantly surrounded by. 20 amazing individuals who have changed my life. I wouldn't be who I was today if it wasn't for these girls. A team of amazing individuals coming together to make one. You don't find a team like this every day. I'm so grateful that I could be apart of it. Don't every take what you have for granite. Because you never know how long it will last. Enjoy every moment, love every moment, and live every moment.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
The Blessings of Being a Big Sister
Being the oldest of 4 girls isn't always the easiest. It has it's ups and it's downs. Babysitting, fighting over clothes, cleaning up messes, cat fights, drama, the list goes on and on. Not to long ago I remember being furious with my 12 year old sister Cassidy, and telling her to shut up. Well later that day my youngest sister Emerson told my mom to shut up. My mom asked her where she learned to say that. And she replied "Bailey," that really brought me to realize that I always have 3 pairs of eyes watching my actions, my every move, taking after what I say and do. The pressure of being a good example is huge. But I realize that no matter how challenging being the oldest can be, there is no greater blessing then being a big sister. When you come home from a long day of school and sports, and you walk in the door and your little sister runs to you screaming your name and gives you a great big hug. When your sister comes and asks you for advice. When your sick and your sisters color you as many pictures as they can. When they ask you to tuck them into bed and as you leave the room and turn off the light they yell "LOVE YOU BAY!" at the top of their lungs. When you're upset, and crying and your sister comes and sits next to you and says "It's ok, everything is going to be alright," and sits with you until you're happy and smiling again. These are just few of the countless experiences that I have had. I can't even explain how blessed I am to have these 3 amazing younger siblings whom I love and care about very much. I look up to them, even if they are 3 feet shorter then I am. They're my best friends, and I wouldn't trade them for anything.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Something New
Wow, check this out! My first blog post! How exciting. Well, as I was sitting in Sunday School one nice Sunday somehow the subject of blogs came up. My teacher had been talking about a funny story that she had posted on her blog. She was talking about how fun it was to have a blog. So I started thinking about it, and decided that I really wanted to start a blog of my own. I was determined to have a blog up within the next week. Well as the week went on I was so busy that I totally forgot about it and I never got around to it. Weeks went by and as I was talking to some girls in my ward yesterday one mentioned how much they wanted to start a blog, and how fun it would be to keep an online journal. Then I finally remembered "Oh yeah!..I knew I was forgetting something." Well I have finally got around to starting it as you can see, and I am super excited! Even though I have absolutely no clue how to work this thing yet..i'm getting there. Well I hope you all enjoy my blog! I'll try not to bore you too much.
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